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Chicken with Lemon And Garlic

Chicken with Lemon and Garlic

Very easy and quick to cook and delicious to eat, this Spanish dish is usually served with fried potatoes and aioli. Ingredients 450g / 1lb skinless...

DrugFriday: Alprazolam

Alprazolam is an anti anxiety medication belonging to the class of drugs called Benzodiazepines. Mechanism of Action: Alprazolam acts by binding to a number of sites...

3 Off-Season Mistakes

For regular bodybuilders, off season is a very important time. This the time where you both bulk up and do your best to stay...
Shannah Baker Workout

CW: Shannah Baker Workout

Monday – Glutes & Hamstrings ♀ Reverse Hack Squat 3×15 ♀ Good Mornings (Light weight) 3×20 ♀ Sumo Squats 3×15 ♀ Lying Leg Curl (Single Leg) 3×10 each...
Hugh Jackman

Poll: Best Hollywood Male Body (A40)

Which Above 40 Hollywood Actor has the best physique? Age has hardly been a factor in Hollywood. Right from Clark Gable, Gary Cooper, Kirk Douglas, Gregory...