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x-Physicist | Fitness Consultant | Kinesiologist | Conversationalist | Innovator | Social Media Analyst | Entrepreneur | Speaker | Thought Engineer | Philanthropist
Sadik Hadzovic Workout

CW: Sadik Hadzovic Workout

Monday: Back ♂ Deadlifts 5×11-13 ♂ Lat Pull Downs 4×11-13 ♂ Bent Over Barbell Rows 4×11-13 ♂ Underhand Pull Ups 3×11-13 ♂ Seated Cable Rows 4×11-13 ♂ Overhand Pull Ups...
Naireen Featured Image

Interview – Naireen Ahmed

Naireen is a public relations professional based out of Mumbai. She's 28 and has been working for about 7 years now. She is a big foodie and...
Blueberry and Spinach Smoothie

Blueberry and Spinach Smoothie

Blueberries are believed to be anti-cancerous, offer cardiovascular and cognitive benefits, helps ward off urinary-tract infections, helps dry skins, and supports eye health, Spinach...
Prawns with Tomato and Feta

Prawns with Tomatoes and Feta

Greek cooks often use a round earthenware covered pot called a yiouvetsi, designed for use in wood-fired oven and, like the casserole, this pot...
Favortite Hollywood Action Franchise

Poll: Your Favorite Hollywood Action Film Franchise

Action film is a film genre in which one or more heroes are thrust into a series of challenges that typically include physical feats,...

DrugFriday: Diclofenac

Diclofenac belongs to the class of drugs called Non Steroidal Anti Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs). Mechanism of action: Inhibits cyclooxygenase (COX)-1 and COX-2 activity nonselectively, thereby inhibiting...
Negative People

How to deal with people with negative energy

We all have come across people with negative energy. People who make you feel bad for no reason, and blame you for all their...
Courgetteand Tofu

Courgettes and Tofu with Tomato Sauce

This dish is great hot or cold, and its flavor improves if it is kept for a day or two, covered, in the refrigerator....

CE: Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid Arthritis is a chronic inflammatory disease marked by a symmetrical arthritis affecting multiple joints. Symptoms: • Rheumatoid Arthritis is a disease most commonly seen amongst...
Potato and Feta

Potato and Feta Salad

This lovely salad is full of fresh, and herby flavours.   Ingredients 500g/1 ¼ lb small new potatoes 5 spring onion (scallions), green and white parts finely chopped 15ml/...