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Courgetteand Tofu

Courgettes and Tofu with Tomato Sauce

This dish is great hot or cold, and its flavor improves if it is kept for a day or two, covered, in the refrigerator....
Lemon Pepper

Lemon Pepper Marinade

This light and easy marinade recipe uses the power of lemon juice to help tenderize and flavor meats. This marinade is particularly good on...

3 Off-Season Mistakes

For regular bodybuilders, off season is a very important time. This the time where you both bulk up and do your best to stay...

WhatIsSeries: VO2Max

What is VO2 and VO2Max VO2 (or oxygen consumption) is a measure of the volume of oxygen that is used by your body to convert...
John Abrraham

Poll: Best Bollywood Male Body

Which Bollywood Actor has the best physique? If you carefully look at the list of recent Bollywood mainstream actors, you'll find 95% of the so...