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Tag: Sodium Balance

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Blueberry and Spinach Smoothie

Blueberry and Spinach Smoothie

Blueberries are believed to be anti-cancerous, offer cardiovascular and cognitive benefits, helps ward off urinary-tract infections, helps dry skins, and supports eye health, Spinach...

WhatIsSeries: Lactose Intolerance

Lactose Intolerance is a common digestive problem, due to inability to digest Lactose, the sugar present in milk and dairy products. Cause: Lactose intolerance is caused...
Chicken Lasagna

Chicken Lasagna

A totally delicious chicken lasagna recipe with a creamy white cheese sauce is apparently, always a cook's & eater's favorite, and great for any...
Apple Cinnamon Smoothie

Apple Cinnamon Smoothie

The smoothie itself has the perfect amount of sweetness, and the tiny addition of cinnamon gives it a spicy kick. It's almost like having...

Working Out While Traveling

We all work extra hard to look good and extra slim in our holiday pictures, however, most are guilty of undoing all the hard...