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Vani K

Interview – Vani Kaushal

Vani is a former business journalist turned fiction writer. As a child she loved listening to stories, until she grew up and started writing...
Chicken Fingers

Chicken Fingers

Craving for something delicious and healthy at same time? Try Chicken Fingers. Chicken fingers are prepared by dipping chicken meat in a breading mixture and then...
Prawns with Tomato and Feta

Prawns with Tomatoes and Feta

Greek cooks often use a round earthenware covered pot called a yiouvetsi, designed for use in wood-fired oven and, like the casserole, this pot...
Poached Pears

Poached Pears in Scented Honey Syrup

Mediterranean fruit has been poached in honey-sweetened syrup since ancient times. The Moroccans continue the tradition enjoyed by the Persians, Arabs, Moors and Ottomans...

CE: Megaloblastic Anemia

Continuing our series on anemia, lets now touch upon megaloblastic anemia, the second type of anemia most commonly seen due to a deficiency of...