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Tag: Hugh Jackman

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7 Workouts to lose Arm Fat

7 workouts to burn the arm fat

Do you get depressed at times thinking about your arms? Do you have loose-fat on the arms which make them ugly? Arm workouts are...
Shannah Baker Workout

CW: Shannah Baker Workout

Monday – Glutes & Hamstrings ♀ Reverse Hack Squat 3×15 ♀ Good Mornings (Light weight) 3×20 ♀ Sumo Squats 3×15 ♀ Lying Leg Curl (Single Leg) 3×10 each...
Mushroom Salad

Mushroom Salad

Edible mushrooms are the fleshy and edible fruit bodies of several species of macrofungi. These are consumed by humans as comestibles for their nutritional...
Shoulder Impingement

CE: Shoulder Impingement Syndrome

Shoulder impingement syndrome, also called  painful arc syndrome, , swimmer's shoulder, and thrower's shoulder, is a clinical syndrome which occurs when the tendons of...

Poll: Best Hollywood Male Body (U40)

Which Under 40 Hollywood Actor has the best physique?