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Brooke Mora Workout

CW: Brooke Mora Workout

Monday: Legs/Cardio Superset #1 ♀ Leg Extension 3 sets x 15 reps ♀ Seated Leg Curl 3 sets 15 reps Superset #2 ♀ Smith Machine Lunges 3 sets x...
Food Poisioning

WhatIsSeries: Food Poisoning

Food poisoning is a group of symptoms caused by ingestion of food or water contaminated with bacteria/bacterial toxins, viruses or parasites. Food should be...
Menstrual Cramps

Workouts during periods

While we hear various opinions on whether or not women should work out during their periods, experts are increasingly sharing their opinion that doing so may...
Travel & Diseases

Travel and Infectious Diseases

Depending on the travel destination, travellers may be exposed to a number of infectious diseases; exposure depends on the presence of infectious...

20 Fittest Actors under 40

Check the fittest Hollywood actors under 40. A carefully prepared list of actors, who made and make fitness, a priority. Not only they have amazing bodies, their...