Monday: Back
- ♂ Deadlifts 5×11-13
- ♂ Lat Pull Downs 4×11-13
- ♂ Bent Over Barbell Rows 4×11-13
- ♂ Underhand Pull Ups 3×11-13
- ♂ Seated Cable Rows 4×11-13
- ♂ Overhand Pull Ups 1 set to failure
Tuesday: Chest
- ♂ Incline Dumbbell Fly’s 4×11-13
- ♂ Incline Barbell Bench Press 5×11-13
- ♂ Machine Fly’s 4×11-13
- ♂ Bench Press 5×11-13
- ♂ Cable Fly’s 3×11-13
- ♂ Decline Machine Press 4×11-13
- ♂ Push Ups 1 set to failure
Wednesday: Cardio
- ♂ Interval Sprints (1 minute rest, 1 minute sprint for 5 sets)
Thursday: Legs
- ♂ Leg Press 5×11-13
- ♂ Leg Extensions 5×11-13
- ♂ Lying Leg Curl 5×11-13
- ♂ Donkey Calf Raises 6×11-13
- ♂ Squats 4×11-13
- ♂ Walking Lunges to failure
Friday: Arms
- ♂ Seated Preacher Curls 4×11-13
- ♂ French Curls (on decline) 5×11-13
- ♂ Standing Hammer Curls 4×11-13
- ♂ Tricep Pushdowns 5×11-13
- ♂ Heavy Barbell Curl 3×11-13
- ♂ Seated Overhead Tricep Extensions 3×11-13
Saturday: Abs
- ♂ Cable Crunches 4×11-13
- ♂ Arm & Leg Raises With Exercise Ball 4×11-13
- ♂ Alternating Leg Ups 4×11-13
- ♂ Running Plank 4×11-13
- ♂ Torso Twist with Medicine Ball 4×11-13
- ♂ Alternating Toe Touches 4×11-13
- ♂ Hanging Leg Raises 1 set to failure
Sunday: Shoulders
- ♂ Dumbbell Shoulder Press 5×11-13
- ♂ Seated Dumbbell Side Raises 5×11-13
- ♂ Seated Dumbbell Front Raises 3×11-13
- ♂ Barbell Shrugs 4×11-13
- ♂ Barbell Standing Military Press 4×11-13
- ♂ Standing Dumbbell Arnold Presses 3×11-13