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Tag: Taylor Lautner

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Myths: Breakfast

There is a popular saying that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. You might also have heard that having breakfast helps...

Must have gadgets for all Fitness Freaks

This is that time of the year when everyone wants to lose the excess fat that they have piled up over the holiday season....

Alternatives to Sugar

Let's face it - almost all of us crave sweet at one point of the day or another. Then we give in to our...
Alice Matos Workout

CW: Alice Matos Workout

Day 1: Lower body ♀ Superset: Leg Extension with Leg Curls 3×12-18 ♀ Leg Press: 3×12-18 ♀ Superset: Squats with Switch Lunges 3×12-18 ♀ Superset: Lunges on the...
Spicy And Healthy Chicken

Spicy and Healthy Chicken

Chicken is a versatile food item indeed. But when it comes to healthy chicken recipes, spice is somehow missed out from all of them....