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Yogurt and Cucumber Soup

Yogurt and Cucumber Soup

Yogurt is frequently used in Greek cookery, and it is usually made at home. Sometimes it is added at the end of cooking a...

Why a Strong Lower Body is Important

In order to set up a strong building, you need a stronger foundation. Your lower body is nothing less than the foundation. The lower...
Medical Conditions

CE: Metabolic Syndrome

The Metabolic Syndrome (also known as Syndrome X, or insulin resistance syndrome) consists of a constellation of metabolic abnormalities leading to increased risk of...

Corona Facts

The prolonged use of medical masks when properly worn, DOES NOT cause CO2 intoxication nor oxygen deficiency The...

WhatIsSeries: VO2Max

What is VO2 and VO2Max VO2 (or oxygen consumption) is a measure of the volume of oxygen that is used by your body to convert...