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Tag: Off Season

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Weights – A Girl’s New Best Friend

If I lift weights, I will become bulky like a man Cardio is the best form of exercise to lose weight quickly I do lift weights...

3 Off-Season Mistakes

For regular bodybuilders, off season is a very important time. This the time where you both bulk up and do your best to stay...
Mushroom Salad

Mushroom Salad

Edible mushrooms are the fleshy and edible fruit bodies of several species of macrofungi. These are consumed by humans as comestibles for their nutritional...

Why a Strong Lower Body is Important

In order to set up a strong building, you need a stronger foundation. Your lower body is nothing less than the foundation. The lower...
Medical Conditions

CE: Parkinson’s Disease

Parkinson's Disease is the second commonest neuro-degenerative disease after Alzheimer's Disease, characterized by rest tremors, rigidity, bradykinesia (slowing down of movements) and disturbance of...