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Pumpkin Pie Smoothie

Pumpkin Pie Smoothie

Pumpkin smoothie may not be the top line in terms of flavor for some, but it's packed with minerals and antioxidants, making it a...
Chicken Yogurt Salad

Chicken Yogurt Salad

Who does not love tasty food? But when it comes to salad, very few of us can expect lip-smacking taste. This one is an...
Smart eating

Smart eating in Festive Season

Festive and holiday seasons are here. The time of the year, when friends and family members, will make loads of goodies with lots of...

Top 10 Sports Injuries

The most common sports-related injuries primarily are overuse injuries. As the name implies, an overuse injury results from wear and tear on the body,...
Shannah Baker Workout

CW: Shannah Baker Workout

Monday – Glutes & Hamstrings ♀ Reverse Hack Squat 3×15 ♀ Good Mornings (Light weight) 3×20 ♀ Sumo Squats 3×15 ♀ Lying Leg Curl (Single Leg) 3×10 each...