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Simeon Panda Wokout

CW: Simeon Panda Workout

Monday: Chest ♂ 8 sets of Bench Press ranging from 1 – 20 reps ♂ 8 sets of Incline Press ranging from 1 – 20 reps ♂...
Yogurt and Cucumber Soup

Yogurt and Cucumber Soup

Yogurt is frequently used in Greek cookery, and it is usually made at home. Sometimes it is added at the end of cooking a...
Serrano Wrapped Trout

Serrano-Wrapped Trout

Traditionally, the trout cooked in this manner would have been wild, caught in local mountain streams and stuffed and wrapped in locally cured ham....
Butter Bean And Tomato Salad

Butter Bean And Tomato Salad

Butter bean and tomato salad - A healthy recipe that is easy and quick to make. Butter beans are also known as lima beans....
Broccoli And Chicken Salad

Broccoli and Chicken Salad

One of the most delicious ways to shed those calories is salads. They are nutritional and the same time tasty. And the super likeable...