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Stuffed Mushroom with Spinach1

Stuffed Mushroom with Spinach

Use fresh ceps, if you can find them, to achieve the traditional flavour of this dish. Large, flat mushrooms work very well too. Ingredients 12 large...

Fitness and You

The ability of being able to do something, which you at one point thought was impossible or difficult to do, is Fitness. It transcends...
Yogurt and Cucumber Soup

Yogurt and Cucumber Soup

Yogurt is frequently used in Greek cookery, and it is usually made at home. Sometimes it is added at the end of cooking a...
Pan Fried Squid

Pan-Fried Squid with Ouzo

This seafood dish takes very little time to cook, so makes a simple lunch or late supper. Ouzo and lemon juice add a piquant...
Brooke Mora Workout

CW: Brooke Mora Workout

Monday: Legs/Cardio Superset #1 ♀ Leg Extension 3 sets x 15 reps ♀ Seated Leg Curl 3 sets 15 reps Superset #2 ♀ Smith Machine Lunges 3 sets x...