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Favortite Hollywood Action Franchise

Poll: Your Favorite Hollywood Action Film Franchise

Action film is a film genre in which one or more heroes are thrust into a series of challenges that typically include physical feats,...
Grilled Sardines

Grilled Fresh Sardines

Sardines are rich in vitamins and minerals. A small serving of sardines once a day can provide 13% of vitamin B2, and is also...
Chicken and Apricot Filo Pie

Chicken and Apricot Filo Pie

The filling for this pie includes nuts and spices and has a Middle Eastern flavour. Ingredients 75g/½ cup bulgur wheat 50g/¼ cup butter 1 onion, chopped 450g minced (ground)...
Butter Bean And Tomato Salad

Butter Bean And Tomato Salad

Butter bean and tomato salad - A healthy recipe that is easy and quick to make. Butter beans are also known as lima beans....
Sadik Hadzovic Workout

CW: Sadik Hadzovic Workout

Monday: Back ♂ Deadlifts 5×11-13 ♂ Lat Pull Downs 4×11-13 ♂ Bent Over Barbell Rows 4×11-13 ♂ Underhand Pull Ups 3×11-13 ♂ Seated Cable Rows 4×11-13 ♂ Overhand Pull Ups...