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Tag: Chocolate Chips

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EFS Recipe Contest

Recipe Contest

A recipe contest brought to you by Evrox Fitness Studio. Participate now and win attractive prizes. When: This contest is open upto 31 August, 2015 How to...
Chicken Yogurt Salad

Chicken Yogurt Salad

Who does not love tasty food? But when it comes to salad, very few of us can expect lip-smacking taste. This one is an...
Sodium Balance

WhatIsSeries: Sodium Balance

The balance of water and electrolytes in the body is maintained within a narrow normal range, mainly by the kidneys, despite a wide variation...
Baked Red Mullet with Oranges

Baked Red Mullet with Oranges

Oranges are so plentiful in some parts of Greece that they can be picked from trees growing in the streets. The aroma of orange...
Mushroom Salad

Mushroom Salad

Edible mushrooms are the fleshy and edible fruit bodies of several species of macrofungi. These are consumed by humans as comestibles for their nutritional...