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Vani K

Interview – Vani Kaushal

Vani is a former business journalist turned fiction writer. As a child she loved listening to stories, until she grew up and started writing...
Medical Conditions

CE: Metabolic Syndrome

The Metabolic Syndrome (also known as Syndrome X, or insulin resistance syndrome) consists of a constellation of metabolic abnormalities leading to increased risk of...

Gym Review: Aero Fitness, Malleshpalya, Bangalore

Details 9243 Kennedy Blvd City: North Bergen State: NJ Phone: (201) 868-9301 24 Hour Parking Boxing ...

What not to wear to the gym

Like all places, your workout zone has its dos and don’ts, when it comes to dressing. We are not going to tell you whether...
Ulises Jr Workout

CW: Ulisses Jr. Workout

International Fitness Model Ulisses Jr. is a natural bodybuilding icon, and one of the most sought after sports athletes. He's a Musclemania World Pro...