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Baked Red Mullet with Oranges

Baked Red Mullet with Oranges

Oranges are so plentiful in some parts of Greece that they can be picked from trees growing in the streets. The aroma of orange...
Best Workout

Poll: Which is the most effective workout?

All exercise routines are not created equal. Some are more efficient than others, and some work better than men, than on women, and vice...
Serrano Wrapped Trout

Serrano-Wrapped Trout

Traditionally, the trout cooked in this manner would have been wild, caught in local mountain streams and stuffed and wrapped in locally cured ham....
Mushroom Salad

Mushroom Salad

Edible mushrooms are the fleshy and edible fruit bodies of several species of macrofungi. These are consumed by humans as comestibles for their nutritional...
Pork With Marsala and Juniper

Pork with Marsala and Juniper

Sicilian Marsala gives savoury dishes rich fruity and alcoholic tang, but the pork is the most important ingredient, and good quality meat will also...