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Shannah Baker Workout

CW: Shannah Baker Workout

Monday – Glutes & Hamstrings ♀ Reverse Hack Squat 3×15 ♀ Good Mornings (Light weight) 3×20 ♀ Sumo Squats 3×15 ♀ Lying Leg Curl (Single Leg) 3×10 each...

CE: Megaloblastic Anemia

Continuing our series on anemia, lets now touch upon megaloblastic anemia, the second type of anemia most commonly seen due to a deficiency of...
Serrano Wrapped Trout

Serrano-Wrapped Trout

Traditionally, the trout cooked in this manner would have been wild, caught in local mountain streams and stuffed and wrapped in locally cured ham....

5 Tips for Stretching

Stretch Safely Stretching should feel good. Static stretching, in which you stretch through a muscle's full range of movement until you feel resistance but not...
Baked Healthy Chicken

Microwave Fancy Baked Chicken

Craving for something delicious and healthy at same time? Try Microwave Fancy Baked Chicken . The preparation time is 20 minutes (approx). Serve it with some...