Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder characterized by the inability to maintain a minimally normal weight, a devastating fear of weight gain, relentless dietary...
This classic recipe is a combination of the vegetables that grow so abundantly in the South of France.
2 aubergines (eggplants) (about 450g/1 lb total)
Day 1: Lower body
♀ Superset: Leg Extension with Leg Curls 3×12-18
♀ Leg Press: 3×12-18
♀ Superset: Squats with Switch Lunges 3×12-18
♀ Superset: Lunges on the...
Sweet potato is a healthier food choice that is fat-free and cholesterol-free. This low-calorie soup offers beta-carotene, vitamin A, and lots of healthy carbohydrates.