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5 Tips for Stretching

Stretch Safely Stretching should feel good. Static stretching, in which you stretch through a muscle's full range of movement until you feel resistance but not...
Brooke Mora Workout

CW: Brooke Mora Workout

Monday: Legs/Cardio Superset #1 ♀ Leg Extension 3 sets x 15 reps ♀ Seated Leg Curl 3 sets 15 reps Superset #2 ♀ Smith Machine Lunges 3 sets x...
Chicken Yogurt Salad

Chicken Yogurt Salad

Who does not love tasty food? But when it comes to salad, very few of us can expect lip-smacking taste. This one is an...
Chicken Lasagna

Chicken Lasagna

A totally delicious chicken lasagna recipe with a creamy white cheese sauce is apparently, always a cook's & eater's favorite, and great for any...

Fitness and You

The ability of being able to do something, which you at one point thought was impossible or difficult to do, is Fitness. It transcends...