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Must have gadgets for all Fitness Freaks

This is that time of the year when everyone wants to lose the excess fat that they have piled up over the holiday season....

CE: Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid Arthritis is a chronic inflammatory disease marked by a symmetrical arthritis affecting multiple joints. Symptoms: • Rheumatoid Arthritis is a disease most commonly seen amongst...

Poll: Best Fitness Tracker

Sometimes the smallest choices make the biggest difference, and tracking your steps is one such move. Normal fitness trackers count steps by detecting movement....
Shannah Baker Workout

CW: Shannah Baker Workout

Monday – Glutes & Hamstrings ♀ Reverse Hack Squat 3×15 ♀ Good Mornings (Light weight) 3×20 ♀ Sumo Squats 3×15 ♀ Lying Leg Curl (Single Leg) 3×10 each...
Baked Red Mullet with Oranges

Baked Red Mullet with Oranges

Oranges are so plentiful in some parts of Greece that they can be picked from trees growing in the streets. The aroma of orange...