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Poll: Best Hollywood Male Body (U40)

Which Under 40 Hollywood Actor has the best physique?  
EFS Recipe Contest

Recipe Contest

A recipe contest brought to you by Evrox Fitness Studio. Participate now and win attractive prizes. When: This contest is open upto 31 August, 2015 How to...
Poached Pears

Poached Pears in Scented Honey Syrup

Mediterranean fruit has been poached in honey-sweetened syrup since ancient times. The Moroccans continue the tradition enjoyed by the Persians, Arabs, Moors and Ottomans...
Serrano Wrapped Trout

Serrano-Wrapped Trout

Traditionally, the trout cooked in this manner would have been wild, caught in local mountain streams and stuffed and wrapped in locally cured ham....

CE: Megaloblastic Anemia

Continuing our series on anemia, lets now touch upon megaloblastic anemia, the second type of anemia most commonly seen due to a deficiency of...