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John Abrraham

Poll: Best Bollywood Male Body

Which Bollywood Actor has the best physique? If you carefully look at the list of recent Bollywood mainstream actors, you'll find 95% of the so...
Favortite Hollywood Action Franchise

Poll: Your Favorite Hollywood Action Film Franchise

Action film is a film genre in which one or more heroes are thrust into a series of challenges that typically include physical feats,...
Chicken Lasagna

Chicken Lasagna

A totally delicious chicken lasagna recipe with a creamy white cheese sauce is apparently, always a cook's & eater's favorite, and great for any...

DrugFriday: Doxycycline

Doxycycline is an antibiotic belonging to the Tetracycline group of antibiotics Mechanism of Action: Doxycycline curbs bacterial growth by inhibiting RNA dependent protein synthesis in the...

5 Tips for Stretching

Stretch Safely Stretching should feel good. Static stretching, in which you stretch through a muscle's full range of movement until you feel resistance but not...