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Alternatives to Sugar

Let's face it - almost all of us crave sweet at one point of the day or another. Then we give in to our...
EFS Recipe Contest

Recipe Contest

A recipe contest brought to you by Evrox Fitness Studio. Participate now and win attractive prizes. When: This contest is open upto 31 August, 2015 How to...
Pork With Marsala and Juniper

Pork with Marsala and Juniper

Sicilian Marsala gives savoury dishes rich fruity and alcoholic tang, but the pork is the most important ingredient, and good quality meat will also...

Fitness and You

The ability of being able to do something, which you at one point thought was impossible or difficult to do, is Fitness. It transcends...
7 Workouts to lose Arm Fat

7 workouts to burn the arm fat

Do you get depressed at times thinking about your arms? Do you have loose-fat on the arms which make them ugly? Arm workouts are...