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CE: Diabetes Mellitus

Diabetes Mellitus, commonly referred to as Diabetes, is a metabolic disorder caused by impairment of metabolism of glucose. Glucose is metabolised by Insulin, a...
Strawberry Shortcake Smoothie

Strawberry Shortcake Smoothie

This yummy pink awesomeness, is a healthy, refreshing smoothie that tastes like strawberry shortcake. It satisfies as much as a dessert, as it does...

Alternatives to Sugar

Let's face it - almost all of us crave sweet at one point of the day or another. Then we give in to our...
7 Workouts to lose Arm Fat

7 workouts to burn the arm fat

Do you get depressed at times thinking about your arms? Do you have loose-fat on the arms which make them ugly? Arm workouts are...
Yogurt and Cucumber Soup

Yogurt and Cucumber Soup

Yogurt is frequently used in Greek cookery, and it is usually made at home. Sometimes it is added at the end of cooking a...